MAAZTER : The beginning of a
complete learning experience


Serving as matriculation app, it gradually improves the student’s core understanding of the subjects through live session and also through recorded sessions. Our trained faculties are always ready to implement their full skills on to the online learning to understand the concept of the subjects. In our samacheer kalvi 10th learning, core concept of the subjects was targetted into various modules which helps the students to cover the subjects very easily. Our Samacheer kalvi app also focuses more on content- based exams which helps to check the understanding capability of the students. Students can also download their samacheerkalvi 10th guide through maazter samacheer kalvi app.
Like Kalvitholaikatchi, MAAZTER app also serves more on the conceptual learning, live videos, recorded sessions, advanced tool for report generation, helping students for self-evaluation. As Tamil Nadu's first samacheer kalvi app, which is now a more needed app for all higher secondary school students. Also, this matriculation app helps the students to learn quickly and to achieve top results.